Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Prac 6 : Databases!

Activity 1 - Searching TP's databases : Digital Library Portal

Database 1:

For the first database, I searched through using EBSCOhost under the Journals & Magazine Articles category. Using “(causes and effect*) AND (child* OR kid*) AND (violence OR aggression) AND selective mutism” search method doesn’t seems to work this time as the search engine shows a ‘No result is found’. But I widen the search space by typing in just ‘selective mutism’, surprisingly; there are quite a number of related articles for me to choose from. But sadly, those articles that I find pretty useful can’t be seen as it requires us to purchase them.

Search results:


Database 2:

For the 2nd database search, I used Global Issue in Context (GIC) to carry on my search. While searching for the topic ‘selective mutism’, I find it kinda hard to get a result from the rest of the links or resources from the given links. I tried my luck on GIC and was surprised to see that at least there’s 28 news articles related to selective mutism. And 5 posts were found under the ‘Global Viewpoint’ category. What’s more interesting is that the articles were all found from different publisher or newspaper globally. Links and citation is also given in each articles posted.

Search results :


Activity 2 - Searching the Invisible Web - TP's Databases

When using the “eBooks” database, I typed ‘Causes and effects of Selective Mutism at first, but no results was given. Thus, I changed to just the main keyword to ‘Selective Mutism’ but only 3 results were given to me. But the date stated that one of the eBook was from 1967 while 2 others was from year 2011, which I think that the books was up to date.

Activity 3 (Blog Reflections)

a. Do you think it is more effective to search the invisible web (databases) than using search engines, meta-search or subject directories? Why?

I think the invisible web, search engines, meta-search and subject directories all gave me effective researches. Just that using the invisible web could allow me to find information that was not seen in the other search engines. Thus, i personally think that using all the search engines could allow me to many different kind of answers.

b. Name ONE database which you will use for your research topic. Why?

I would prefer using the 1st database (EBSChost) for my research topic. EBSChost gave me much more relevant information to Selective Mutism as compared to the 2nd database (GIC). Besides that, GIC only have research that is from 2005 and etc.. which is not very recent. While the EBSChost researches was quite updated and some was just few years back like last year information can be seen there.

c. Name ONE more database which you will use for your course. How will you use this database for your course?

I will prefer to use EBSChost for any researches for my course as I think that the information given was reliable, sufficient and was up to date.

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